Whizzy Updates to XPOS on their Way!

So, here’s the bad news. Storm Ali is set to hit the UK this week, bringing heavy rain and high winds. Not great for outdoor sport, but we’re hoping happy news of improvements to XPOS will brighten up your day. The latest updates …


September Pro Shop: Retail Tips

September is often a key time for Golf Professionals who are responsible for buying items for the pro shop, and planning next season’s stock. Buying is one of the most important responsibilities you have as a retailer, and misjudging quantities, …


XMAIL Launch is Today!!

  It’s Monday 3rd September and TODAY is the official launch of XMAIL, a drip mail marketing service, for our customers, that’s going to increase footfall to their retail stores, and deepen customer loyalty. Big claims? You bet. Fantastic product? …


New Training for Long-Standing Midlands Customers

  Great business review with Allison and Stuart Bottrill of Union  Golf at Shirley Golf Club yesterday, talking through our new screen visuals, and best retail practice across their 5 on-course shops. We’ve been working with Union Golf for 13 years …


July’s Market Review for Golf Retailers

  This month’s Golf Market Review is here. Jules and Mark present the all-you-need-to-know numbers taking us up to the end of July. After a shaky start to the year, we were actually up 9% by the start of the …


Our Monthly Retail Watch

  Writing the Retail Watch pages in the The Professional Golfers’​ Association monthly magazine is a great chance for us to provide retailers with tips, advice and information that can help them to be more successful in their businesses. In …


Golf Retail Market Review: June 2018

  And the sun kept on shining!! It wasn’t very long ago that I was all doom and gloom. Poor weather at the start of the season was having an impact on sales, and the market numbers were down. But …


Stop-Off in Belfast

  A full day of XPOS teachings in Belfast yesterday when Jules and Mark met with two fantastic retailers: Lee McKenna from Balmoral Golf Shop and Michael McCrudden from Roe Park Resort. There were some great numbers from both businesses and we spent …


It’s Green for Great Margins

  Don’t let your August sales pinch and punch!  The traffic light system in our epos system, XPOS, is an easy, visual aid that ensures you maximise your margins when discounting stock. Fore more information, call our customer support team on …


