We love golf. But we’re far better at developing great retail tech.

While you're juggling jobs during a busy season we’ve all hands on deck to ensure XPOS brings you everything you want.  And more.

XPOS is Moving Up

Over the next few months, you’ll see a ton of exciting new features on your screens. More streamlined processes, time-saving solutions and innovative new features to bring your customers closer to the shop.

Cloud Benefits

Central to these advancements is our move to a fully cloud-based system.  There’s little doubt that taking XPOS online is the best way to future-proof your business and will deliver greater efficiencies for our customers.

With your XPOS solutions online, you’ll see faster software updates, improved security, more flexibility and easier access to all aspects of your business from anywhere in the world, and on any device.

First Steps, Big Plans

Our goal of a completely-online system is just around the corner.  And, in the meantime, we’re suggesting that all our customers get better acquainted with the XPOS Hub, where you’ll find a lot of features, that are already in the cloud, to help you run the shop business.

Sales Reports Now Available on the Go

with XPOS Online Reports

“Maximum sales with minimum stock” should be the mantra of all good retailers while the key to a successful shop business is the use of accurate reports to help you make the best decisions.

So much more than the basic sales or stock reports, there are around 13 essential reports available in the XPOS Hub to help you dig deeper and give you a picture of your pro shop sales.  Better still, because reports are now available online, you can get an instant view of the business on any device, anywhere in the world.

Whether you’re on holiday, on the range, playing golf, or on lockdown, our online reports mean you can stay on top of the pro shop and act quickly should something look out of the ordinary.

Our new-look, slimmed down XPOS reports help you to focus on what’s important, with more flexibility and new, interactive options.


Daily Till Report

Our most popular report has been revamped, slimmed down and is now interactive.  The DTR shows you what you’ve take that day by cash or card.

Sales and Return Analysis Report

Look closer at items sold over any date range and break it down by sub group.  Now more user friendly, this report allows you to change the view.

Product Listings: Sales Margins Report

See which products you have in stock by stock level, brand, and sub group. This useful report displays potential margin too.

Vouchers Reports

A great free upgrade for users with XPOS Version 2, there’s now a better way to sell, and manage, your shop vouchers and golf competitions.  Contact us now to sign up.

XPOS online reports are the first step of many and we will keep our customers informed over the next few months as we continue to develop XPOS as the leading ePOS for golf retailers.

More announcements coming soon!

