Season Quick Wins #2 Better Stocktaking
The retail experts are back with 3 top tips for golf retailers to action this season and, this week, they're talking stocktaking.
Successful stocktaking is great practice and Jules and Mark explain why establishing good habits will help you to spot (potentially expensive) errors early, and how regular stocktaking can help you to buy better.
(1) Stop using paperwork! Download the Xpos App, click Create Stocktake and away you go! Use in conjunction with a Bluetooth scanner for even faster, more accurate stocktaking
(2) Break stocktaking down into smaller chunks. Aim for a category each week, rather than a whole shop stocktake once a year
(3) Review your work with the great Discrepancy Report in your Xpos system. To learn how to get started with Xpos reports, watch this video
As always, follow us on our socials for more useful advice.