Say Hello to Easy
If you're being asked to sign a new contract with a payment provider, please talk to us about choosing Xeft instead of your current provider. Xeft is our NEW payment solution which integrates with Xpos to save you time and money. Here's why you should choose Xeft:
1. Xeft was designed for the nuances of the golf shop!
2. Xeft enables split payments across the business WITH JUST ONE CLICK - including multiple instructors, the club, green fees, etc.
3. As Xeft is integrated with Xpos, it eliminates manual errors at the till, saving the average pro shop approx £2,000 per year
4. Xeft gives you all your reporting in one place. No need to access other platforms - it's all in your Xpos system
5. Xeft lets you do everything with JUST ONE TERMINAL so you can ditch the chaos behind the counter and do everything with one machine
This video is a great explainer and you can also check out our new page here
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