A More Streamlined XCODES is Here

You might notice some small, but significant, improvements to XCODES over the next day or 2. After taking on board some customer suggestions, we’ve cut back on the number of sub-groups within XCODES, and also renamed a few, to cut …


XAPP PRO for Community Shop

We had a great visit to Almondsbury Community Shop this week. The team there had been using our XPOS system for a number of years and wanted to get up and running with XAPP PRO, our intuitive Bluetooth scanner – …


October’s Market Update Now Out

Crossover Chairman, Phil Barnard’s latest market review for golf retailers and Pro Shop owner/managers is published today. Always an unpredictable month, but what had the most effect on this year’s numbers, and what did golfers spend their money on? Read …


Fantastic Fortnight with TGI Golf

What a great end to a fantastic couple of weeks with the TGI Golf Partnership, attending cluster meetings around the UK: bringing together golf pro’s who are retail owner/managers, with representatives of the buying group and of course, Crossover’s XPOS guru, …


Black Friday: the Real Deal?

It’s another year of Black Friday mania, but is this all a load of hot air, or are there real deals out there for consumers? With all the advertising that is going on, you would think most retailers are giving …


Post-Budget Advice for Retailers

What can retailers take from yesterday’s Budget, and what does it mean for small business owners? Crossover’s Chairman, Phil Barnard, provides his thoughts here. “Well, there were a few things to help discretionary spend as some consumer costs won’t go …


It’s Number Crunching in Belfast

We’re in Belfast today at the Malone Golf Club and with our partners from TGI Golf Partnership and 15 other attendees, all professional golfers and retail owner/managers. We’re talking point of sale, stock taking, XCODES and how to get the most …


XPOS Workshops in Belfast and Dublin

This week, we’re at the Malone Golf Club in Belfast and the Hermitage Golf Course, Dublin, with Peter Smyth from the TGI Golf Partnership, talking about XPOS with partners of the sports retail buying group. Hoping to see as many …


