Staying on top of stock control is essential for a clear picture of your shop sales and helps retailers to focus on areas of the business in need of the most attention.

Regular, smaller and more manageable stocktakes make the job quicker and help retailers maintain an accurate stock inventory. What's more, our new stocktaking app and Bluetooth scanner really take the pain away, helping you to complete fast, accurate stocktakes in just minutes.


Historically, stocktaking involved a lot of paperwork but the good news is that new technology can now save retailers hours and hours of admin time.  Two XPOS tools boasting fantastic convenience and time-saving benefits, are the free XPOS App and our Bluetooth scanner.

The XPOS App converts your smart phone into a barcode scanner and enables retailers to scan products around the shop, without the need for a nearby till.  And, because it's linked to your shop’s XPOS software, information is updated during the stocktake, enabling accurate reporting.

Retailers can also stock in using the same app, without having to put products onto shelves first.  The benefits of the XPOS App include:

  • There’s no need for a nearby till. You stocktake out on the shop floor.
  • Another team member can use the computer while you perform stocking in or stocktaking.
  • No more reams of paperwork and you can throw the Excel sheets away!
  • There’s no need to put new stock onto shelves straight away – you can stock in items that are still in their boxes!

The XPOS Bluetooth scanner links to your smartphone and delivers the fastest and most accurate option for busy retailers. With a Bluetooth scanner, you can complete a stocktake for a whole category in just minutes. (And, it’s actually quite good fun).

To get your hands on one of our Bluetooth scanners, please contact the XPOS sales team


The new XPOS App is compatible with XPOS V2 and can be downloaded from your given mobile application store:

XPOS for Android devices, click below

XPOS for Apple devices, click below

For XPOS Version 1 customers, our original app (XAPP) is still available for use. A download link can be provided upon request, please click here to contact our Support Team.


To optimise the benefits of stocktaking, you should allocate time in the team’s diary to do this weekly.  A category stocktake can be done in minutes with our XPOS App or Bluetooth scanner, so you don’t even have to wait until after the shop is closed – although a quiet time is often best.


  1. Pick one, or more, categories or brands for the stocktake
  2. Ensure all barcodes are visible and replace any damaged, or missing, barcodes. The quality of these is important and helps to ensure a smooth process
  3. Mark a scanned area with a post-it note, or coloured label, to keep a track of items already scanned. This helps if you become distracted by a customer, or when the phone rings.
  4. Pre-count items where stock levels are high as these totals can be added in the Review screen
  5. Try to ensure that faulty items are not in stock, or stock them out of XPOS
  6. Designate a quarantine area for items that show up as "Product not recognised" as these products will not have been stocked in previously and so you'll want to do this after your stocktake.




If you're sharing a stocktake, the second user will be able to join the process. Select ‘Start Stocktake’ on their device and choose from the dropdown list.

If you’re using a Bluetooth scanner, point the red laser at the barcode, then press the scanner's button. You’ll hear a beep once your scan has been registered.

If you’re using the XPOS App on your smartphone, simply point your device at the barcode and it’ll automatically scan onto the screen. Please note the following:

  • Your phone needs to be held at the right distance and angle from the barcode to ensure it can correctly recognise it. You're aiming to have your scan as straight and clean as possible.
  • Most smart phones have automatic options for adjusting the image focus
  • Each phone's camera is different, and the speed and accuracy of the stocktake will depend on the camera functionality, as well as the user
  • For multiples of the same barcode, tap the screen and change to the correct quantity using the keyboard
  • For items that do not have barcodes, or whose barcodes are unreadable during the stocktake, you can use the App to search for them by name and then manually assign a quantity.

When you finish your stocktake, use a post-it note to mark the area, or category, as ‘scanned’.  It's also a good idea to manually count the items and cross check the quantity counted matches the quantity scanned.

  • Place any items that do not scan, or are missing a barcode, to one side
  • In the App, review the screen before finishing. You can make changes to stock quantities if required
  • Once a stocktake is finished in the XPOS App, go to XPOS on the computer to complete

Note: A stocktake that has been carried out by 2, or more, users will need to complete the stocktake on their device before completing the process in XPOS, even where the second device has not counted any products.


Read this short guide to find out how to review and complete a stocktake in XPOS Products: 


  1. Any products missing a barcode, or not recognised by the XPOS App, can be added in when viewing the stocktake count in XPOS
  2. In the stocktake home screen, the top right cog allows additional options to be completed. Here you can delete a completed App stocktake or reverse a completed XPOS stocktake. You’ll also be able to print a discrepancy report
  3. Once the stocktake is complete, your stock levels will automatically update to reflect the stock count
  4. If you were unable to count certain products during the stocktake, you can now manually add them as a new stock in
