Does YOUR Start Button Look Like This?

Windows XP and Vista help for XPOS customers


XPOS customers!!   Most of you will be aware that Microsoft abandoned support for Windows XP and Vista a long time ago, (actually, 15 years!) and stopped mainstream support for Windows 7 back in 2015.  But are you aware of the potential implications for your shop if you're still using these outdated software programmes today?

If you can see one of these buttons at the bottom left corner of your screen, you're using a version of Windows that's no longer supported by Microsoft.  Not only does this mean your shop is a sitting duck for cyber criminals, but, for XP and Vista users,  we are no longer able to update your XPOS system software, either.

There are answers and our fantastic support team is here to help, so please give them a call or email for advice. Remember the CHAT button on this website is a great way to get quick help from the XPOS team. YOU

